Everyone would probably think as I thought, that this should work in WebSphere Portal 6.1.
And it does. BUT! There is one additional requirement for having this to work under WPS 6.1.
After deploying your Portlets in the WPS you will have to go to the Administration Tab of WPS.
Than on the left side click the Manage Pages.
In the newly opened page, you will see a Table with only one column. Click on ContentRoot.
After that you will have to find your own Page-Name, which corresponds to the the Tab-Name where you run your Portlets.
When done, on the far right you will see bunch of icons. Click pencil like icon (it also displays the name EDIT PAGE LAYOUT when going over with your mouse).
The Page Customizer will open. Four Tabs are available:
- Content
- Appearance
- Locks
- Wires
In the Content Tab, you add all the Portlets you want to run here on this page (your newly developed Portlets with IPC).
After doing, click the Wires Tab. WPS has already read your portlet.xml file. You will see a table with the following columns:
- Source portlet - The Event Publishing Portlet
- Sending - The Publishing Event name space and name
- Target page - leave it as it is. Here you can define the Page if your target Portlet is on another page. If on the same page, leave it as it is.
- Switch page - I don't really get it what this has to do with all of this here (but hey)
- Target portlet - The Portlet that has to consume your Published Event
- Receiving - The name space and name of your Published Event.
- Wire Type - leave it to Public
Don't forget to press the tiny + button on the end. This has to be repeated for each IPC Event of your Portlets.
When done, press the Done Button.
Now you can go to your Page Tab and test your IPC Eventing.
Hope it works for you too.